Teaching aptitude
Teaching is a face to face ,direct situation in which the ideas and instructions pass from one biologically responsive organism to another in a social matrix. Teaching in this sense is restricted to organized classroom interaction between a body of the student who desire to learn and a person, called teacher , who is there to help them , achieve that aim. In this manner teaching is learning oriented as leading is modifications of behavior.
Nature of teaching activity
Transmission of knowledge and teacher ability are two distinct situation. A teacher is said to be a failure if he in unable to transmit knowledge to the pupils even if he has abilities , merit and mastery of subject. The reality is that teaching is an art and to acquire efficiency in this art, the teacher need two things.
1. The complete knowledge of subject matter.
2. The scientific knowledge of the teaching styles for disseminating the knowledge to the pupils
Following points characterise the nature of teaching activity
1. Simple to complex- A key to successful teaching is creating interest in the pupil for new knowledge and developing self confidence in them. From this point of view , if teaching is to be successful , it is essential to use a maxim of simple aspects to be taught pupils first and the complex content to be taught afterward. If this is not followed , pupils will lose their confidence. This will reduce their interest in the subject . therefore, we should divide the subject matter in such a way that the simple aspects precede the complex one. Teaching should not be a maza that may entangle the students and confuse him.
2. Known to unknown - the meaning of from known to unknown is that the basis of the pupil new knowledge should be his previous knowledge . it is a psychological fact that it becomes difficult to acquire new knowledge if it is presented at once. The students takes interest in new knowledge if it is linked with his previous knowledge. Hence, it is necessary that before teaching, one should active previous knowledge and President new knowledge on the basis of the activated previous knowledge of the pupil. It means to say that small and simple information , which the pupils are already familiar with, should be made the basis for imparting an unfamiliar information.
3. Seen to unseen - students generally learn at perceptional level. It is called learning by direct first hand experience which they perceive right in front of them. This immediate presentation is easy to grasp because they see it in its totality and not like the seven blind men who cound not see the elephant but drew their respective conclusion on the basis of their limited knowledge . perception is simpler than imagination . hence, knowledge based on the maxim if seen to unseen is similar and easy to grasp. The unseen must be based on the seen.
4. Concrete to abstract - closely related to seen to unseen this maxim lays emphasis on basic knowledge of concrete foundation. The first band of Edgar dales cone of experience deals with concrete knowledge which is direct and first hand. One sort of feels it on ones pluse. This is the broadest band, and as the cone goes up in the order of increasing abstractness, it ends up in abstruse and abstract symbol. Now, one should not reverse this established norm. Concreteness should precede abstractness. The fundamental of audio visual education are based on this maxim, so much so, that even the most abstract of the ideas are given some concrete presentation to make it easily intelligible to the learner
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