Elements of teaching aptitude

Elements of teaching aptitude 

1. Teaching aptitude is cooperative - Democratic teaching does not mean forcing information . To achieve the desirable results , it is necessary that the process should be kept active and alive by teacher pupil participation and cooperation.

2. Teaching aptitude is an organization of learning - Marshall in his book successful teaching, has written that the organization of learning means the unification of all components of teaching. Hence the activities of the teacher and the pupil should be unified . it is essential to include all tasks, teaching methods and conditions in these activities. In short, good teaching is the organization of learning.

3. Teaching aptitude is Democratic - modern age is the age of democracy-  These days, the real education is considered to be that which prepares the pupil for life. In the light of this, we should prepare the pupils for democracy, democratically. But to achieve this objective , the teaching should be based on Democratic ideals, objectives, curriculum and teaching methods. In short, good teaching should be Democratic.

4. Teaching aptitude is progressive- the real education of the pupils is based upon his personal experience. Good teaching presents new knowledge keeping in view the previous experience of the pupil. This changes and modifies the pupils behaviour . also attributes like initiative, self confidence and self reliance etc. Get developed in him gradually. Hence we can say that good teaching is progressive.

5. Teaching aptitude leads to the emotional stability - every pupil has in born instincts. These powerful instinct make efforts for their expression. If these instinct are left uncared, the pupil won't behave properly in the society. Also, the suppression of these instincts is harmful for the pupil. Hence, the training of all instincts and emotions of the pupils is the most important. Good teaching produces emotional stability in the pupil.

6. Teaching aptitude is helping the students to adjust himself to his environment- as the pupil develops, he has to face the complicated and complex natural and social environment. In other words, the whole life of the pupil is a story of adjustment wherein, he either adapts to the environment or tries to change the environment according to his own needs.

7. Teaching aptitude is a means of preparation- to prepare the pupil for future life us an important function of education. The teaching is such a process by which the physical, mental, emotional and social development of the pupil occur. The pupil learns to lead his life properly in the present and for the future as a result of this all round development. In short, good teaching is an important means of present and future preparation.

8. Teaching aptitude is both diagnostic and remedial- today we are in a position to know conveniently about the intelligence of the pupil, his attitude and his weakness on the basis of psychological researches. 

Not only this , we can  Also identify very easily the competencies ,capacities and emotional traits of the pupils by objective tests. 
We can , therefore , make teaching as diagnostic by these means. 

Similarly, we can make the teaching remedial by knowing about the individual differences, new techniques of teaching and by identifying causes of backwardness . hence, good teaching is both diagnostic and remedial.

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