Elements of teaching aptitude
The various elements of teaching aptitude are
1. Teaching aptitude include the provision of desirable information - the human knowledge is going on increasing since the rise of the civilization. One has learnt all this by trial and error , insight and imitation. We should provide desired information to the students in a well organized form regarding this storehouse of knowledge. It saves time. Also the pupils will not face any difficulty in receiving knowledge.
2. Teaching aptitude is causing to learn- A good teaching is not merely to impart information to the students, but also to arouse the will for self learning in them. The teacher should explore the interest, attitude, capacities, competencies and needs of the pupils and guide them accordingly . from this point of view , the teaching should be so much natural and interesting that the pupils get motivated for self learning. It means to say that good teaching is to provide assistance in developing the pupils by motivating them for self learning and enabling them for establishing the contact with the different subject of the curriculum and environment themselves.
3. Teaching aptitude needs efficient planning - The pupil cannot be taught everything all the time . various stages are meant for achieving the different aspects of knowledge. Also, the pupils have different interest, attitude, competencies and needs on the basis of individual difference. So, there must be some useful planning of teaching strategies in view of the above things.
4. Teaching aptitude is selective - man has been struggling continuously since he came on this earth. As a result of this struggle, his store house of knowledge has enriched day by day. Such an explosion in knowledge cannot be learnt in a short time span. Therefore, the pupils should be told some selected and useful things. In other words, disseminating the selected knowledge is called good teaching.
5.teaching aptitude is to provide opportunity for activity - The pupil remains active by nature. This activeness is based upon his basis instincts. Hence , each pupil performs desirable and undesirable activities under the influence of his instincts. The teacher should study the pupils basic instincts and direct these activities toward purposeful and useful direction. In this way, it is the duty of the teacher to create such an environment for the pupils that the pupils themselves go on acquiring the best and useful experience through pursuing desirable activities.
6. Teaching aptitude is sympathetic - successful teaching should ensure that the pupil is in a receptive frame of mind and that he is not emotionally disturbed or worked up. Teaching should, therefore, be sympathetic and take notice of pupil disorientation for whatever reasons.
1. Teaching aptitude include the provision of desirable information - the human knowledge is going on increasing since the rise of the civilization. One has learnt all this by trial and error , insight and imitation. We should provide desired information to the students in a well organized form regarding this storehouse of knowledge. It saves time. Also the pupils will not face any difficulty in receiving knowledge.
2. Teaching aptitude is causing to learn- A good teaching is not merely to impart information to the students, but also to arouse the will for self learning in them. The teacher should explore the interest, attitude, capacities, competencies and needs of the pupils and guide them accordingly . from this point of view , the teaching should be so much natural and interesting that the pupils get motivated for self learning. It means to say that good teaching is to provide assistance in developing the pupils by motivating them for self learning and enabling them for establishing the contact with the different subject of the curriculum and environment themselves.
3. Teaching aptitude needs efficient planning - The pupil cannot be taught everything all the time . various stages are meant for achieving the different aspects of knowledge. Also, the pupils have different interest, attitude, competencies and needs on the basis of individual difference. So, there must be some useful planning of teaching strategies in view of the above things.
4. Teaching aptitude is selective - man has been struggling continuously since he came on this earth. As a result of this struggle, his store house of knowledge has enriched day by day. Such an explosion in knowledge cannot be learnt in a short time span. Therefore, the pupils should be told some selected and useful things. In other words, disseminating the selected knowledge is called good teaching.
5.teaching aptitude is to provide opportunity for activity - The pupil remains active by nature. This activeness is based upon his basis instincts. Hence , each pupil performs desirable and undesirable activities under the influence of his instincts. The teacher should study the pupils basic instincts and direct these activities toward purposeful and useful direction. In this way, it is the duty of the teacher to create such an environment for the pupils that the pupils themselves go on acquiring the best and useful experience through pursuing desirable activities.
6. Teaching aptitude is sympathetic - successful teaching should ensure that the pupil is in a receptive frame of mind and that he is not emotionally disturbed or worked up. Teaching should, therefore, be sympathetic and take notice of pupil disorientation for whatever reasons.
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