
Showing posts from August, 2018

Computer system

Computer system A computer system consists of a computer and supporting devices for input/ output of data. The basic organization of any computer system shown in the following diagram Input device --- computer --- out put device  The input device supplies the data, as obtained from us, to the computer. Most commonly used input devices are – teletypewriter, video display unit ( VDU ). We specify the data in a form which we use in our everyday life, that is, in the numeric and alphabetic form. These are converted into the forms which the computer can understand. Data are stored in the computer in the binary form. After the computer has processed the data results are obtained on the output devices. Commonly used devices are printer, VCD and teleprinter. The results obtained are in the human readable form. Computer data is changed into this form by electronic circuits called decoders. The computer does all the computing data processing work. Its component are : Arithmetica...

Computer and its generation

Introduction A computer is simply a tool for people to use ; it is a machine that can solve any problem by accepting data , performing certain operations on that data , and presenting results of those operations. A computer is an information processing machine. It can perform arithmetic operations and the logical decisions . it has a memory and can store lots of information. The stored information may be retrieved , moved and operated upon as desired. Computation are done at an extremely fast speed with complete reliability and accuracy. The speed of execution of operation by modern computer is several million operations per second in comparison to slow computers. These are basically three types of computers - Analog , digitaldigital and hybrid. Analog computer An analog computer accepts , processes and generates continuous data. Computation are carried out with physical quantities , such as length, voltage, current, etc. Digital computer A digital computer accepts , p...

Information and communication technology

Introduction  Information and communication technology usually called ICT, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology ( IT), but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communication and the integration of telecommunications ( telephone lines and wireless signals ) , intelligent building management systems and audio visual systems in modern information technology.  ICT consists of all technical means used to handle information and aid communication, including computer and network hardware, communications middleware as well as necessary software. In other words, ICT consists of IT as well as telephony, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions. ICT is often used in the context of ICT roadmap to indicate the path that an organization will take with their ICT needs. The term ICT is now also used to refer to the merging of audio visual and te...

ICT important Full Forms

Important full forms  A/D -Analog To Digital.  • ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit. • ASCII -American Standard Code For Information Interchange. • ASR -Automatic Send And Receive. • ATM -Automated Teller Machine. • BCD -Binary Coded Decimal. • BIOS -Basic Input / Output System. • BIS -Business Information System. • BPS -Bits Per Second. • TRP -Television Rating Point • CAD - Computer-Aided Design • CAM -Computer-Aided Manufacturing. • CASE -Computer-Aided Software Engineering. • CD -Compact Disc. • CDROM -Compact Disc Read-Only Memory. • COBOL -Common Business-Oriented Language. • CPS - Characters Per Second. • CPU -Central Processing Unit. • CROM -Control Read-Only Memory. • CRT -Cathode Ray Tube. • DBMS -Database Management System. • DOS -Disk Operating System. • DPI -Dots Per Inch. • DTP -Desktop Publishing. • DVD - Digital Versatile Disk. • EEPROM -Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. • EPROM - Erasable...

Syllabus ugc net paper 1

                         Paper - 1   Unit -1 Teaching aptitude * teaching- nature, objective , characteristics and basic requirement. * Learner' s characteristics * Factors affecting teaching. * methods of teaching. * Teaching aids. * Evaluation system  Unit - 2  Research aptitude   * Research - meaning, characteristic, and types. * Steps of Research. * methods of research. * Research ethics. * Paper, article , workshop, seminar, conference and symposium. * Thesis writing- Its characteristics and format. Unit - 3 Reading comprehension * A passage to be set with questions to be answered. Unit -4 Communication * communication- nature, characteristic, types,barriers and effective classroom communication. Unit -5 Reasoning  * number series- letter series, codes. * Relationship- classification. Unit - 6  Logical reasoning * understanding the structure of ...

Elements of teaching aptitude

Elements of teaching aptitude  1. Teaching aptitude is cooperative - Democratic teaching does not mean forcing information . To achieve the desirable results , it is necessary that the process should be kept active and alive by teacher pupil participation and cooperation. 2. Teaching aptitude is an organization of learning - Marshall in his book successful teaching, has written that the organization of learning means the unification of all components of teaching. Hence the activities of the teacher and the pupil should be unified . it is essential to include all tasks, teaching methods and conditions in these activities. In short, good teaching is the organization of learning. 3. Teaching aptitude is Democratic - modern age is the age of democracy-   These days, the real education is considered to be that which prepares the pupil for life. In the light of this, we should prepare the pupils for democracy, democratically. But to achieve this objective , the teaching ...
1.Maximum participation of students during teaching is possible through (A) Lecture method (B) Demonstration method (C) Inductive method (D) Textbook method Answer:  (C) 2. Diagnostic evaluation ascertains (A) Students performance at the beginning of instructions. (B) Learning progress and failures during instructions. (C) Degree of achievements of instructions at the end. (D) Causes and remedies of persistent learning problems during instructions. Answer:  (D) 3. Instructional aides are used by the teacher to (A) Glorify the class (B) Attract the students (C) Clarify the concepts (D) Ensure discipline Answer:  (C) 4. Attitude of the teacher that affects teaching pertains to (A) Affective domain (B) Cognitive domain (C) Connative domain (D) Psychomotor domain Answer:  (A) 5. “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man” was stated by (A) M. K. Gandhi (B) R. N. Tagore (C) Swami Viv...

Previous years questions of teaching aptitude

1. Which of the following skills are needed for present day teacher to adjust effectively with the classroom teaching ?  1. Knowledge of technology  2. Use of technology in teaching learning  3. Knowledge of students’ needs  4. Content mastery  (A) 1 & 3 (B) 2 & 3 (C) 2, 3 & 4 (D) 2 & 4 Ans - C 2. The primary duty of the teacher is to  (A) raise the intellectual standard of the students  (B) improve the physical standard of the students  (C) help all round development of the students  (D) imbibe value system in the students Ans - C 3. Micro teaching is more effective  (A) during the preparation for teaching-practice  (B) during the teaching-practice  (C) after the teaching-practice  (D) always Ans- B 4. What quality the students like the most in a teacher ?  (A) Idealist philosophy (B) Compassion  (C) Discipline (D) Entertaining Ans - C 5. Good evaluation of written  ...