Computer system
Computer system A computer system consists of a computer and supporting devices for input/ output of data. The basic organization of any computer system shown in the following diagram Input device --- computer --- out put device The input device supplies the data, as obtained from us, to the computer. Most commonly used input devices are – teletypewriter, video display unit ( VDU ). We specify the data in a form which we use in our everyday life, that is, in the numeric and alphabetic form. These are converted into the forms which the computer can understand. Data are stored in the computer in the binary form. After the computer has processed the data results are obtained on the output devices. Commonly used devices are printer, VCD and teleprinter. The results obtained are in the human readable form. Computer data is changed into this form by electronic circuits called decoders. The computer does all the computing data processing work. Its component are : Arithmetica...